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Paul Harding, Rob Swire, and Gareth McGrillen have given the world a taste of what drum and bass is and can be. Setting the standard with their debut album in 2005, "Hold Your Colour" couldn't be less than perfect. some say they might be the next Prodigy. Managing to keep their underground roots and mainstream cross over all-together in this album was exceptional. Perfect for DnB hardcore lovers or for anyone new to the DnB scene, Pendulum manages to mix it all. Having tracks that range from fast-paced, strong and heavy lines to a much calmer, ambient setting, giving the listener a chance to settle in and calm down. Pendulum did not just deliver a good album, they've been expanding their sounds all around. Their hit track "Slam" has been featured in the Playstation 3's "Motorstorm" and "Tarantula" has been rendered for the trailer of "Motorstorm: Pacific Rift".
It's been dubed by many as an excellent album or album of the year and I must agree with them. If you don't know Drum and Bass this is a perfect start and believe me, it'll open a whole new world of music for you.
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